“PetitePoste” is a gallery of unique postcards from Zurich, created by artists from around the world. They feature photography, art and illustration, and can be written and sent online, by postmail or else despatched blank to the client by post. «PetitePoste» features some of my best illustrations published on books and magazines, and other illustrations I created specially for their catalogue, such as “North Wind”, “Red Moon” and “White Deer», among others.

North Wind,

Red Moon.

White Deer.

The Unknown.

The Mamooth.

Hippopotamus Amphibius.

The Tiger.

The Grasshopper.

The Tiger and the Grasshopper.

Love Sheeps.

Image inspired in Khalil Gibran quotes.

The Sorcerer.

Love Sheeps Part Two.

Sheeps on Bike.